Wembley Stadium

Birmingham city council said: "We'll do it for free"
There's no need for a new Wembley,
That will cost a six-hundred million spending spree,
But London said: "Trust me, Birmingham! Don't worry!"
Why isn't somebody sue-ing?
After London said: "We know what we're doing!"
Look at how much cash those builders are spewing!
Fuck me, the economy is ruined!
It would've made sense, Birmingham is in the middle.
Now the tax-payers are getting fiddled,
It made perfect sense, it's not like it's a riddle,
Why do we feel (in brum) like we've been diddled?
Birmingham would've built it in inside eighteen months,
Now London's pulling another Millenium Dome stunt,
Cockney builders have got some front,
Why didn't you let us build it you, fucking cunts!?
Birmingham didn't get it, what a surprise.
The FA, the builders and the government telling lies.
The new Wembley isn't ready on time.
Well done, London. Why don't you fuck off and die!
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